最新消息 11/21 英語日影片 Dream It Possible
Dream It Possible
Q: “If it is very difficult to realize your dream,
will you still be brave enough to pursue it?
If so, why can you persist?”
( 如果實現你的夢想非常困難,你還會有勇氣去追求嗎? 如果會的話,你為什麼能堅持下去?)
Go to the Educational Affair Office, and tell Ms. Huang your answer.
The first 10 can get a prize. See you soon!
看完影片前10位到教務處找Ms. Huang 回答問題的同學,可獲得驚喜獎品,歡迎7、8、9年級同學踴躍參與。