
Happy Moon Festival! 


https://reurl.cc/0dKEYA   English with Kane

What do you do on the Moon Festival?

Go to the Educational Affair Office, and tell Ms. Huang your answer. ( I ___________ on the Moon Festival.)

The first 10 can get a prize. See you soon!

看完影片前10位到教務處找Ms. Huang 回答問題的同學,可獲得驚喜獎品,歡迎789年級同學踴躍參與。


基隆市立建德國民中學   地址:基隆市[204]安樂區安和一街29號   總機電話:(02)2432-1234   


Keelung Municipal Jian De Junior High School | No. 29, Anhe 1st St., Anle Dist., Keelung City 204, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 

TEL: (02)2432-1234 | FAX: (02)2433-6447

網站維護: 基隆市立建德國民中學資訊組 2024.05
